Friday, August 1, 2014

Week 12: The end has finally arrived

So I am sad to say that this was my last week of my internship. I'm not gonna lie, I kind of hated waking up super early but I loved where I worked and the people I met. Tuesday was my last day and really I just worked on my presentation that I had to do today. I went over it with Christine to see what she thought and just did a bit of a wrap up of everything I have done this summer. Since there was nothing left to do I did not come in on Wednesday. Today I had a intern presentation where I had to present a PowerPoint of all the work I did at the museum and honestly I was super nervous. But that's okay because from what Christine said I did an awesome job. I really think I did the best I could and presented all of my main points so that's a plus. Honestly I cannot stop thanking Dr. Beiler, Dr. Scot French, Ruben Madrid, Laura Cepero, Bethany Gray and of course Christine French for all the lessons and opportunities that they gave me. This internship has been so incredibly rewarding and I can look back at the work I've done and be proud of everything that I accomplished. I helped create a database, put a collection together, accession items and did some great networking along the way. This isn't something I'll ever forget. This experience was well worth it. Hope everyone had an amazing summer. Up next? Fall semester a.k.a. graduation!

Until next time,

-Ambar the History Student

Christine and I

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